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Welcome to Kung Fit KIDS!

Kung Fit Kids is a unique fitness programme designed to help children to develop strength, agility, and coordination, as well as mental focus, resilience and confidence.
Developed & run by two l
ocal Black Belt instructors, our classes combine martial arts, self defence and fitness, with lots of fun & games!
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We are open to children aged 5-12 years old – join our waiting list now!  We're open most weeks of the year, offer a FREE TRIAL class and there is no need to wait for a new term or month to start.


Our founding class is on Saturdays at 830-915am, at Scout Hall, Lynwood Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0DT.


We are proud of our unique syllabus that allows children to develop at their own pace, while celebrating their achievements with sensible and reachable goals.


We genuinely enjoy sharing our knowledge and watching the children grasp new skills. We do not want any child to feel excluded so our classes are accessible to all, and our gradings are simple, reasonable and fun!

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"My kids love it!
You are wonderful instructors!"



We are always keen to hear from other Black Belts considering opening a franchise! All we ask is a weekly commitment, the right attitude, and a Black Belt or higher qualification from a recognised martial arts academy. Get in touch to join the waiting list.

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Book a FREE trial class.

Either use the chat function, find us on Facebook, or email us.

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